HL Deb 22 November 1976 vol 377 cc1749-50WA
The Earl of NORTHESK

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether, in view of the fact that an increasing number of heavy goods vehicles from other EEC countries are entering Great Britain, some of which are using the right hand lane on three- lane motorways for overtaking to the very great danger of other motorway users, any instructions, particularly with regard to safety, are or could be made available to drivers of heavy goods vehicles on entering this country.

Baroness BIRK

It is the responsibility of the drivers of vehicle; entering this country to inform themselves of the traffic laws. French and German translation of the main points of theHighway Code, which include this prohibition, are available to foreign hauliers through embassies and foreign Governments, and most European countries restrict heavy goods vehicles to the two inner lanes on motorways.