- Pensions (Earnings Limit) 65 words
- Family Allowance Queries 301 words
- Pensions and Benefits (Abatement) 260 words
- Pensions (Married Women) 102 words
- Supplementary Benefit Recipients 1,356 words
- Graduated Pensions 60 words
- Abortion 113 words
- Disabled Persons (Statistical Information) 148 words
- Invalid Vehicles 164 words
- Mongol Births 99 words
- Family Incomes 547 words
- Hospital Boards (Sheffield Region) 81 words
- Supplementary Benefit Claimants (Classification) 68 words
- Pensioners (Contribution Deficiency) 102 words
- Prescriptions 115 words
- Mentally-ill Patients (Accommodation) 78 words
- Pensioners (Reciprocal Agreements) 96 words
- Attendance Allowance 47 words
- Mentally Handicapped Children 88 words
- Nurses (Birmingham and West Midlands) 93 words
- Hearing Aids 482 words
- Bakerloo Line Overcrowding (Health Hazards) 111 words
- Diet Allowance 87 words
- Claimants (Involuntary Savings) 85 words
- Retirement Pensions 337 words
- Exceptional Circumstances Payments 245 words
- Special Welfare Officer Referrals 73 words
- Local Authority Projects (Loan Sanction) 53 words
- Hospital Boards (Expenditure) 56 words
- National Health Service Capital Projects 56 words
- Hospital Patients (Cost) 53 words
- Health Centres (London) 102 words
- Hospitals (Smoking) 93 words
- Schoolchildren (Proteins) 110 words
- Sutton Supplementary Benefits Office 63 words
- Insomnia (Sleep Centres) 38 words
- Industrial Deafness 39 words
- Christmas Bonus 81 words
- Mr. J. W. Crowther (Hospital Admission) 48 words
- Nursing (Briggs Report) 48 words
- Capital Projects (Hull) 69 words