§ Mr. Mulleyasked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he has now concluded his review of grants for unremunerative railway services; and if he will now state the sum he expects to allocate for this purpose in the next financial year 1971–72.
§ Mr. PeytonI have not yet completed the review and so cannot say what sum will be allocated.
§ Mr. Mulleyasked the Secretary of State for the Environment when he will announce whether or not he proposes to continue the grants for those unremunerative rail services which were authorised for two years from December, 1968; and if he will make a statement before the Christmas Recess.
§ Mr. PeytonThe timing of the Railways Board's applications for renewal of402W grant this year will not allow me to make a statement about the renewal of undertakings before the Christmas Recess, but I hope to announce my decisions early in the New Year.