HC Deb 20 October 1943 vol 392 cc1389-90W
Mr. Creech Jones

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will report on the industrial dispute in Mauritius last week, when four workers, including one woman and two lads, were fired on by the police and killed; and whether he will have an immediate inquiry to investigate the shootings and causes of dispute and proceed with the implementing of the Orde-Browne recommendations as speedily as practicable?

Mr. Emrys-Evans

The Governor of Mauritius has reported to my right hon. and gallant Friend that pending the settlement of demands for higher wages on certain estates in Mauritius, strikes and sabotage took place, and that on 24th September riots occurred on four estates. The police were assaulted by a riotous crowd and opened fire. Three persons were killed and three others wounded. Thirteen rioters and 17 of the police were injured in baton charges. Military support for the police was provided and no further outbreaks occurred. The Governor has since reported that work has recommenced on all estates, the troops have been withdrawn, and that a Commission of Inquiry is now investigating the cause of the outbreak. A Conciliation Board and a Minimum Wages Board are working to adjust wage demands for the whole of the area in question. As regards the last part of the Question, a Labour Advisory Board has already been established in Mauritius and steps are being taken to implement other recommendations made in Major Orde Browne's report.