HC Deb 30 November 1943 vol 395 c234W
Mr. Burke

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he has considered the proposals for the organisation of the cotton industry submitted by employers' and 'employees' organisations; and what conclusions he has reached regarding the post-war organisation of the industry;

(2) what preparations he is making to enable cotton mills closed down under concentration schemes to be in a position to restart their machinery as soon as possible after the cessation of hostilities in order that they may be able to produce for world markets?

Mr. Dalton

I received, last March, the Report of the Cotton Industry Conference, of which the President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce was chairman. This Report dealt only with the question whether there should be after the war a statutory Cotton Board. Last May, the chairman of the Cotton Board, at my invitation, set up a committee to inquire into the wider post-war problems of the cotton industry, including de-concentration. I am promised a Report from this committee by mid January. I received last month from the United Textile Factory Workers' Association proposals regarding the post-war organisation of the cotton industry. I am considering these with close attention.