HC Deb 26 March 1942 vol 378 cc2185-6W
Major Lyons

asked the Secretary of State for India to what extent he is satisfied that India is self-contained in food supplies for its people; and whether all possible steps have been taken by the Government to increase food production and conserve supplies?

Mr. Amery

India is normally self-supporting in regard to food supplies, except for a varying quantity of rice imported from Burma which rarely exceeds 5 per cent. of the total rice consumed in India. The Government of India, who have to provide not only for the requirements of the civil population but also for certain military commitments and to meet local deficiencies which may result from transport difficulties, have discussed with representatives of the Provincial Governments and the Indian States at recent conferences the prospects of increasing the rice and other food crops in India, and have convened a further conference to take place on 6th April next to consider the steps to be taken to increase both food and fodder production generally as well as the question of regional self-sufficiency.