HC Deb 27 September 1939 vol 351 cc1351-2W
Sir W. Edge

asked the Minister of Health, whether, in view of the absence of any clear and definite statement as to

the fitting out of evacuated children with clothes and boots during the coming winter, he can give any information as to the person or persons on whom the responsibility rests, and as to the financial recoupment of those who have ordered such clothes and boots to meet the urgent needs of the children?

Mr. Elliot

The responsibility for providing evacuated children with clothes . and boots rests primarily with the parents or other persons liable to maintain the children. I understand that certain voluntary organisations also are prepared to assist in cases of need. Where parents are unable to make or otherwise obtain the necessary provision application may be made to the Unemployment Assistance Board in the case of those who arewithin the scope of unemployment assistance schemes as expanded by emergency legislation, and to the Public Assistance Authority in other cases.