HC Deb 04 May 1938 vol 335 c885W
Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will draw the attention of all road authorities to the book issued by the German Roads Delegation (1937), page 12, section 13 (safety features), and recommend, as far as practicable, their adoption, especially No. 3, the omission of kerb stones?

Mr. Burgin

The abolition of kerbs is not recommended in the Memorandum on the Lay-out and Construction of Roads, which was drawn up by my technical officers in consultation with representatives of the Institute of Municipal and County Engineers and the County Surveyors Society, and issued in 1937 by my Department to all highway authorities. I am not prepared to set aside the advice contained in the memorandum, which gives special emphasis to the design of kerbs in relation to safety.