HC Deb 14 November 1929 vol 231 cc2265-6W

asked the Minister of Labour how many of the unemployed have been disallowed benefit under the not genuinely seeking work clause since the present Government took office; and how this number compares with the same period last year?


69,290 claims to benefit were disallowed by insurance officers on the ground "not genuinely seeking work "in the period of 18 weeks from the 11th June to 14th October, 1929, and 69,410 in the period of 17 weeks from the 12th June to 8th October, 1928. In a number of cases the decisions were reversed on appeal to courts of referees. In addition 20,573 claims were disallowed on review by courts of referees in the period of 18 weeks from 11th June to 14th October, 1929, and 10,592 claims were disallowed from various dates in July, 1928 (when the review procedure started) to 8th October, 1928. I should add that all these figures relate to claims and not to separate individuals.