HC Deb 05 November 1929 vol 231 c874W

asked the Secretary for Mines if reports have been received as to difficulties in securing the working rights for minerals in the tin-mining area of Cornwall?


No, Sir. I have seen certain general suggestions that such difficulties have been encountered, but I have not received any application under the Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act, 1923, or in any other form that would enable me to consider a specific case.


asked the Secretary for Mines the number of tin mines in operation in Cornwall during 1928 and 1929?


At the end of June, 1929, the latest date for which particulars are available, there were 10 mines in Cornwall at which dressed tin ore was being produced. In addition there were four mines at which development work was in progress. At the end of June, 1928, there were 11 mines producing dressed tin ore and eight mines at which development work was in progress.