HC Deb 18 November 1927 vol 210 c1292W

asked the Home Secretary the cost per head for food and drink, and for males and females, separately, in detention homes, industrial schools, reformatories, prisons and convict establishments?


No information as to the cost per head for food and drink in places of detention is available, and in view of the varied arrangements which are made for the provision of such places, and of their intermittent use, it would be impracticable to obtain the information. In reformatory schools (boys and girls), the cost is £16 18s. per head per annum, and in industrial schools (boys and girls), £15 12s. As regards prisons, separate figures cannot be given for males and females. The average cost is, in local prisons, £9 9s. 9d. per head per annum; in convict prisons, £14 3s. 10d. per head per annum.