HC Deb 27 September 1926 vol 199 cc264-6W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the classes of ratings who actually elected representatives for the port class request meetings, 1926, at Devonport, Portsmouth, and Chatham; the number of ratings of each class who were at the port and were eligible to attend the meetings arranged for selection of the representatives at such meetings; the number of representatives of each class who were elected; and the number of each class who actually attended the meetings that elected the representatives?

Portsmouth. Chatham. Devonport.
a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. d.
Seamen Yes 4,915 7 13 Yes 2,434 7 800 Yes 3,715 7 600
Signal Yes 311 2 30 Yes 149 2 90 Yes 167 2 18
Telegraphist Yes 470 2 41 Yes 198 2 75 Yes 169 2 40
Sailmaker Yes 6 1 4 Yes 6 1 3 Yes 14 1 7
Regulating Yes 88 1 18 Yes 55 1 40 Yes 93 1 23
Mechanician Yes 32 2 4 Yes 14 2 12 Yes 22 2 12
Stoker No 1,826 1 Yes 1,156 8 850 Yes 1,611 7 74
E.R.A. Yes 420 5 61 Yes 200 6 120 Yes 338 5 180
Royal Marines No 215 Yes 1,198* 7* 464* Yes 1,073 7 120
School of Music Yes 170 4 11
Elec. Artificer Yes 217 3 9 Yes 80 3 25 Yes 75 2 29
Ordnance Artificer Yes 102 2 21 Yes 46 2 40 Yes 72 2 45
Armourer Yes 16 1 7 Yes 11 1 2 Yes 11 1 5
Shipwright No 121 1 Yes 39 2 24 Yes 121 2 25
Joiner No 33 Yes 8 1 5 Yes 58 1 15
Blacksmith No 24 Yes 18 1 6 Yes 30 1 10
Plumber No 22 Yes 13 1 4 Yes 29 1 8
Painter No 27 Yes 12 1 3 Yes 20 1 4
Cooper No 9 Yes 4 1 3 Yes 14 1 4
Writer Yes 200 2 11 Yes 118 2 55 Yes 138 3 5
Supply Yes 153 2 2 Yes 80 3 40 Yes 135 3 3
Ship's Cook Yes 217 3 45 Yes 117 3 30 Yes 187 1 0
Sick Berth Yes 218 5 37 Yes 195 5 74 Yes 167 5 60
Officers' Steward Yes 403 3 31 Yes 274 3 130 Yes 300 3 19
Officers' Cook Yes 143 3 5 Yes 3 Yes 3 15
* Includes R.M. Depot, Deal.


The particulars are given in the following tabular statement under four headings:—

  1. (a) Whether or not the Class actually elected representatives.
  2. (b) Number in class available and eligible to attend meetings for selection of representatives.
  3. (c) Number of representatives elected.
  4. (d) Number actually attending meetings that elected representatives.

NOTE.—In some instances the figures given are approximate only.