HC Deb 27 September 1926 vol 199 cc263-4W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the average age at which chief petty officers of the seamen, signal, wireless and stoker branches are promoted to that rating?


Taking the average ages for the three home ports combined for the March quarter of this year the figures are:

  • C.P.O. (Seamen Branch), 35 years 4 months.
  • 264
  • Chief Yeoman of Signals, 36 years 6 months.
  • C.P.O. Telegraphist, 32 years.
  • Chief Stoker, 36 years 4 months.
Mechanicians who are advanced under a special scheme average 32.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the percentage of chief petty officers, petty officers, and leading rates to the total in the seamen, signal, wireless, and stoker branches?


The percentages are as follow:

Per Cent.
Seamen Branch (including S.S. men and natives but omitting boys under training) 25
Signal Branch 47
Wireless Branch 42
Stoker Branch 38*
* Acting leading stokers are reckoned among the higher ratings.