§ Mr. GILBERTasked the Postmaster-General how many young girls have recently been employed by his Department as telegraph mesengers; if he will state what wages arc paid these girls; if they are compelled to attend evening schools; what prospects, if any, are held out for them for future and constant employment, or if they are discharged after a few years' service; and, if so, at what age?
§ Mr. ILLINGWORTHApproximately 6,500 girls are at present employed as telegraph messengers in the Post Office. Under present conditions their wages range from 14s. 6d. to 19s. a week, according to the locality in which they are employed. The girls are encouraged to attend educational classes, but attendance its not compulsory. No prospect of permament employment is held out to them. Girls who have not left voluntarily by the time they reach the age of eighteen will not be retained long beyond that age.