HC Deb 04 July 1917 vol 95 cc1120-1W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he will take steps to prevent Orders being issued for the reduction in the gravity of the products of Irish breweries; if he is aware that any attempt to reduce the gravity will result in the destruction of what is left of the Irish industries; if ho will state the Government's proposals with reference to the licensed trade; and if the restrictions on the brewing and distilling industries will be withdrawn?


Regulations dealing with food supply and the standard of gravity of malt liquors are not under my control. I am aware that there are differences in the standard in Ireland as compared with Great Britain, and I have communicated with the Food Controller on the subject.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that licensed traders in Ireland are receiving trouble and annoyance from the Excise authorities in their endeavour to obtain their supply of spirits as allowed by the Government; if he is aware that in many parts of Ireland wholesale dealers refuse to sell supplies of porter and stout to their customers who dealt with them in pre-war years and that they are now selling the supply to which these men were entitled to other customers at an enhanced profit; and if he will take steps to see that the customers entitled to the supply will receive the same and prevent this method of profiteering?


So far as the Board of Customs and Excise are aware no licensed trader in Ireland has been subjected to unnecessary trouble or annoyance by their Department in his endeavour to obtain a supply of spirits, and they are prepared to make inquiry into the circumstances in any case of difficulty in which the hon. Member will furnish them with particulars. As regards supplies of porter and stout, I would refer to the answer of my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer to the hon. Member for West Kerry yesterday and my answer to his question to-day.