HC Deb 15 March 1915 vol 70 c1778W

asked whether the drift survey of Ireland has been completed; and, if so, when may the Report be expected or progress reported up to date?


There is no scheme for a drift survey of the whole of Ireland on the lines of that adopted for England, owing to the limited staff available; but drift maps are issued as opportunity occurs. Those for the districts round Dublin, Belfast, Cork, Limerick, and Londonderry have been already published; but since 1908 the surveyors have been revising mineral areas, such as the iron-ore and bauxite districts of North-East Ireland and the Leinster coalfield, and preparing new editions of memoirs that have fallen out of print, such as that on Kenmare and Killarney. The next area to be undertaken for drift survey will be the country around Galway or around Waterford, according to the original scheme of working round important towns.