HC Deb 21 February 1911 vol 21 c1879W

asked the Home Secretary, with regard to the interference with the traffic in busy London thoroughfares caused by large and slow-moving vehicles keeping the middle of the road, whether he is aware that stringent regulations are in force in other great cities to compel such vehicles to keep close to the kerb; and whether he will arm the police with power to enforce similar regulations in London?


The power to make regulations under Section 78 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act requiring the drivers of heavy and slow-moving vehicles to keep to a particular portion of the street does not extend to London. It would be possible for the London County Council to make a by-law applying this requirement to those of the London streets in which its enforcement would be of adtage and practicable. Such a by-law was under consideration a few years ago, but its consideration was postponed pending the Report of the Royal Commission on London Traffic. The remarks of that Commission on the subject will be found on pages 90 and 91 of the Report. I will consider the matter and communicate with the London County Council.