HC Deb 21 March 1910 vol 15 c916W

asked the Home Secretary whether he will extend to the Metropolitan Police pensioners pensioned prior to the 1st April, 1891, the same facilities to enable them to receive their pensions at their due date as those granted by the late Home Secretary in 1909 to pensioners pensioned after the 1st April, 1891, to wit, to enable the pensioners pensioned on or prior to the 1st April, 1891, to sign and forward their pension forms to the receiver two days prior to the pension becoming due, thus putting them in a position to receive their pension at the due date, in lieu of the practice now prevailing, which requires that the forms should not be signed or forwarded till the date at which the pension is actually due?


I have consulted the Receiver, and on his advice I propose to modify the regulations so as to give effect to this suggestion.