§ Mr. HACKETTasked what steps the Estates Commissioners have taken to acquire the farm from which a man named Quin was evicted, situated at Coolcor-mack, Templemore, county Tipperary; and whether Quin's representatives have been noted as fit persons to obtain a holding?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Estates Commissioners have decided not to take any steps 393W for the acquisition of the holding in the townland of Coolcormack, formerly occupied by the late Richard Quinn, and they do not intend to take any action with reference to the application for the reinstatement of his representatives.
§ Mr. HACKETTasked whether the Estates Commissioners have taken any steps to acquire untenanted lands in the parishes of Killea, Clonmore, Clonakenny, Couraganeem, county Tipperary, for re—distribution, with a view to enlarge the uneconomic holdings in the district; and whether any untenanted lands have been offered to the Estates Commissioners in the foregoing districts?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe records of the Estates Commissioners are not kept by parishes, and they are therefore unable to supply the information asked for.