HC Deb 05 November 1909 vol 12 cc2260-1W

asked the Attorney-General for Ireland whether, in the case of the King versus John L. Tease, he can state the number of witnesses summoned to attend each of the three trials of the prisoner, namely, at the last Belfast winter assizes and the last Donegal spring and summer assizes; the number of witnesses examined at each of the trials; the costs and expenses of the witnesses examined at each trial and the witnesses summoned but not examined at each trial, and the total costs and expenses of the three trials; and what was the result of the three trials of the prisoner?


At the Winter Assizes 40 witnesses were summoned for the Crown in this case, of whom 20 were examined; at the Spring Assizes 49 were summoned and 29 examined; and at Summer Assizes 36 were summoned and 34 examined. The expenses paid at the three assizes were £161, £122, and £76 to witnesses who were examined, and £83, £49, and £27 to witnesses who were not examined. The total costs and expenses of the three trials amounted to £671. The trials resulted on each occasion in a disagreement.


asked the Attorney-General for Ireland whether, if it is decided in the case of the King versus John L. Tease he put the prisoner on trial for the fourth time, he can state if it is proposed by the Crown to give any additional evidence to that given at the prisoner's three previous trials; if so, what is the nature of such evidence; and whether, in the event of no additional evidence being proposed to be given against the prisoner, he will consider the advisability of trying the prisoner a fourth time in a venue where he has been already tried, and where the jury has disagreed?


The same course will be followed in his case as in every other case in which a prisoner is tried more than once. It any witnesses are examined other than those who have made depositions, a full note of the evidence they propose to give will be furnished to the prisoner's solicitor beforehand. I cannot give any further information than this in reference to a pending case.