HC Deb 24 May 1909 vol 5 c990W

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to resolutions of the Scottish chambers of agriculture which indicate that agricultural opinion in Scotland, whilst desiring the transfer of its interests to a Scottish sub-department of the Board of Agriculture, or else to a separate and fully-equipped Board under a responsible head, does not accept a Board under the Scottish Office on the usual lines as an alternative; and whether, before any legislative proposals are made to provide more effectively for the agricultural interests of Scotland, he will appoint a committee to investigate and report?


The proceedings of the Scottish Chamber of Agriculture upon this subject have from time to time been brought to my notice. They seem to show that opinion there is divided. How far it is correctly described by my hon. Friend, and, further, to what extent it reflects the views of all those interested and likely to be affected by any such legislation I am unable to say. The subject has been fully discussed during the last two or three years both in Parliament and outside it; and except upon one point, which is probably capable of adjustment, the proposals of the Government, from which no departure in principle is contemplated, have received a large measure of general approval. I doubt whether further inquiry would lead to any useful result. The Secretary for Scotland will be glad to consider any representations or suggestions which may be submitted to him.