HC Deb 01 July 1909 vol 7 c732W

asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies whether he is able to inform the House of the result of the friendly intervention of His Majesty's High Commissioner in Cyprus respecting the differences which have arisen in that island in connecton with the rival candidates for the vacant Archbishopric of Cyprus; and what steps have been taken by the island Government to protect the revenues derived from diocesan trust funds and other sources for ecclesiastical and educational purposes which have accrued since the death of Archbishop Sophronius?

Colonel SEELY

The Bishop of Kitium has been unanimously elected Archbishop of Cyprus, and his election has been approved by the High Commissioner. The Secretary of State is not aware whether it has been thought necessary to take any steps for the protection of the revenues to which my hon. Friend alludes, but inquiry will be made on the subject.