HC Deb 19 August 1909 vol 9 cc1669-70W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the report of Mr. Walsh, inspector of the Board, on the condition of the sick poor in the Hinckley Union Workhouse, the insufficiency of the nursing staff, the mixture-of children with adults in the sick wards and elsewhere in the workhouse; and whether he proposes to bring about a remedy for this state of things?


I am aware of the report referred to in the question, and I have for some time past pressed upon the guardians the need for their making further provision for the accommodation of the indoor poor of the Union. In particular, I recently urged upon them forthwith to remove the children from the workhouse and to provide a temporary infirmary for the sick and a temporary laundry. This the guardians have now agreed to do, and I am in communication with them with respect to the details of the arrangements.