HC Deb 19 August 1909 vol 9 c1670W

asked the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to an inquiry made by the medical officer of health into the cause and circumstances attending the death of a child, aged 15 months, at Bereta-road, New Eltham, Kent; whether the inquiries so made were from a responsible person having a knowledge of the case; were the parents seen or questioned with regard to the case; and whether the information received in person at the residence disclose the cause of death or knowledge of proper or improper treatment.


I understand that when the Woolwich medical officer of health called at the house the parents were not at home, and that he made some inquiries of the servant. The information he obtained led him to the conclusion that it was unnecessary, for him to pursue his inquiries further, and hence he did not see the parents. The medical officer of health would decide for himself how far the information he received answered the purpose he had in view.