HC Deb 05 August 1909 vol 8 c2101W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been drawn to the report of the inquest on William Cornish, who died in the insane ward of the Shoreditch infirmary; whether he can state what are the duties of the night attendant and the number of patients in his charge; and whether he has had any training qualifying him for this position?


The duties of the night attendant referred to are to attend to the two lunatic wards. These wards have accommodation for 32 beds. One of them contains 17 beds for epileptic and convalescent patients who can attend to themselves, except when they have fits. The work in the other varies considerably, and when necessary additional assistance is engaged. The night attendant has held his office since June, 1899, prior to which date he had experience in a county asylum.