HC Deb 11 January 1994 vol 235 c70W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if he will commission a report on(a) the levy, (b) the investment incentive, and (c) other measures which have been adopted by each member country of the European Community in seeking to encourage investment in its film production industry with a view to making a statement to the House indicating which of those measures might be appropriate for adoption in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Brooke

Film support measures in other member states are a matter for the authorities of those states to determine according to their own policies and circumstances. I have no plans to adopt measures designed to meet objectives which we do not share. Last year, I held a series of 10 consultative meetings with all sectors of the United Kingdom film industry to review the state of the industry and hear their ideas about possible further action to raise the level of investment in film production. I am carefully considering all the views put to me during the round of meetings and subsequently, and I shall announce the Government's conclusions as soon as practicable.