Written Answers (Commons) of 20 June 1989 Series 6 Vol. 155

    1. c63W
    2. Bail Hostels 80 words
    3. c63W
    4. Prisoners 62 words
    5. cc63-4W
    6. Deportation 463 words
    7. c64W
    8. Prison Visitors 114 words
    9. cc64-5W
    10. Overseas Students 586 words
    11. c65W
    12. Mr. Wai Man Chung 26 words
    13. cc65-6W
    14. Criminal Convictions 185 words
    1. c66W
    2. Local Authority Contracts (Tenders) 79 words
    3. cc66-7W
    4. New Towns (Developments) 191 words
    5. c67W
    6. Illuminated Advertisements 85 words
    7. c67W
    8. Council Housing (Tenant Initiatives) 137 words
    9. cc67-8W
    10. Disabled People (Housing) 249 words
    11. c68W
    12. Council House Sales 68 words
    13. c68W
    14. Planning Appeals 86 words
    15. cc68-9W
    16. Water Privatisation 374 words
    17. cc69-70W
    18. Property Services Agency (Vacant Buildings) 514 words
    19. c70W
    20. Community Charge 133 words
    21. cc70-1W
    22. Set-aside Land 104 words
    23. c71W
    24. Water Quality 289 words
    25. cc71-2W
    26. Environmental Assessments 376 words
    1. c72W
    2. Scottish Enterprise 50 words
    3. c72W
    4. Population Statistics 143 words
    5. cc72-3W
    6. Surgeries (Rural Areas) 115 words
    1. c73W
    2. Fylingdales (Equipment) 142 words
    3. c73W
    4. Military Communications 98 words
    5. cc73-4W
    6. Anti-Satellite Weapons 34 words
    7. c74W
    8. Low Flying 351 words
    9. c74W
    10. ELF Transmitter 63 words
    11. cc74-5W
    12. Commissions (Sale) 30 words
    13. c75W
    14. Historic Aircraft Collection (RAF St. Athan) 328 words
    15. cc75-6W
    16. Tornado Aircraft 173 words
    17. c76W
    18. Service Cars (Argyll) 51 words
    19. cc76-7W
    20. Aircraft Losses 263 words
    21. c77W
    22. Community Charge 38 words
    23. c77W
    24. Howitzers 246 words
    25. c77W
    26. Rosyth Dockyard 97 words
  5. Prime Minister
    1. c78W
    2. Tropical Rain Forests 56 words
    3. c78W
    4. World Environment 59 words
    5. c78W
    6. China 75 words
    7. c78W
    8. EC (Voting Procedures) 58 words
    9. c78W
    10. Developing Countries (Debt) 53 words
    11. c78W
    12. Bradford 27 words
    13. cc78-9W
    14. Shipyards (EC Funding) 93 words
    15. c79W
    16. Electoral Registration Advertising 111 words
    17. c79W
    18. Engagements 112 words
    19. c79W
    20. Government Information Service 48 words
    21. cc79-80W
    22. Endangered Species 153 words
    1. c80W
    2. Water Power Rights 102 words
    3. c80W
    4. Turbines (Rivers) 127 words
    5. cc80-1W
    6. Employment 146 words
    7. c81W
    8. Tourism 85 words
    9. cc81-2W
    10. Housing Executive 652 words
    1. cc82-3W
    2. Namibia 276 words
    1. c83W
    2. Russian Language 336 words
    3. cc83-4W
    4. Teachers 347 words
    5. c84W
    6. Training Grants Scheme 48 words
    7. cc84-5W
    8. Design and Technology 185 words
  9. WALES
    1. c85W
    2. Planning Applications 144 words
    3. c85W
    4. Preventive Medicine 149 words
    5. cc85-6W
    6. Compact Schemes 57 words
    7. c86W
    8. Community Hospitals 75 words
    9. c86W
    10. Training and Enterprise Councils 74 words
    11. c86W
    12. Public Bodies 64 words
    13. cc86-7W
    14. Population Statistics 200 words
    15. c87W
    16. Supermarket, Holyhead 89 words
    1. c87W
    2. Fishing Industry 82 words
    3. c87W
    4. Food Irradiation 82 words
    1. cc87-8W
    2. Book Publishing 70 words
    3. c88W
    4. Merger Policy 90 words
    5. c88W
    6. Frag-12 45 words
    7. cc88-91W
    8. EC Technical Committees 1,363 words
    9. c91W
    10. Cars (UK Content) 109 words
    11. cc91-2W
    12. China 127 words
  12. ENERGY
    1. cc92-3W
    2. AGR Fuel Rods 361 words
    3. c93W
    4. Nuclear Materials (Safeguards) 192 words
    5. c93W
    6. Spent Fuel Rods 218 words
    7. cc93-4W
    8. West Burton B (Power Station) 73 words
    9. c94W
    10. Sizewell B PWR 56 words
    11. c94W
    12. Sellafield 75 words
    13. c94W
    14. Coal Industry Productivity 66 words
    15. c94W
    16. Radioactivity 67 words
    17. cc94-5W
    18. Radioactive Waste 57 words
    19. c95W
    20. Nuclear Installations 84 words
    21. c95W
    22. Nuclear Emergencies 70 words
    23. c95W
    24. Offshore Safety 192 words
    1. cc95-6W
    2. NHS Reform 51 words
    1. c96W
    2. Agencies 132 words
    1. cc96-8W
    2. Vaccine Damage 1,409 words
    3. cc98-9W
    4. Mobility Allowance 369 words
    5. c99W
    6. Pensions 66 words
  16. HEALTH
    1. c99W
    2. Drugs 202 words
    3. cc99-101W
    4. Trent Regional Health Authority 886 words
    5. c101W
    6. Food Hygiene 91 words
    7. cc101-2W
    8. Bio-Plan Ltd. 73 words
    9. cc102-3W
    10. NHS Reform 627 words
    11. c103W
    12. General Practitioners 154 words
    13. c103W
    14. NHS Scientists 109 words
    15. cc103-4W
    16. BNFL, Sellafield 132 words
    17. c104W
    18. Toxoplasmosis 54 words
    19. c104W
    20. Immunisation 91 words
    21. cc104-5W
    22. Population Statistics 549 words
    23. c105W
    24. Dangerous Food Products 87 words
    25. c105W
    26. Tuberculosis Vaccine 72 words
    27. cc105-6W
    28. NSPCC 176 words
    1. c106W
    2. Enterprise Allowance 70 words
    3. cc106-7W
    4. Health and Safety Inspectors (Sunderland) 140 words
    5. cc107-9W
    6. Training and Enterprise Councils 800 words
    7. c109W
    8. Secondary Picketing 62 words
    9. cc109-14W
    10. Labour Statistics 2,291 words
    11. cc114-7W
    12. Employment Training 1,077 words
    13. cc117-8W
    14. Benefit Fraud 307 words
    15. cc118-20W
    16. Ports 1,027 words
    17. c120W
    18. Foreign Firms 66 words
    19. c120W
    20. Small Businesses 82 words
    21. cc120-1W
    22. Single Market 57 words
    23. c121W
    24. Skills Training 227 words
    25. cc121-2W
    26. Tourism 188 words
    27. c122W
    28. Business Growth Training Programme 84 words
    29. c122W
    30. Social Charter 78 words
    31. c122W
    32. International Youth Skill Olympics 179 words
    33. cc122-3W
    34. Disabled People 132 words
    35. c123W
    36. Training 162 words
    37. cc123-4W
    38. Strikes 275 words
    39. c124W
    40. Council for Social Aid (Manchester) 149 words
    41. c124W
    42. Picketing 51 words
    43. c124W
    44. Job Share Programme 88 words
    45. cc124-5W
    46. Closed Shop 131 words
    47. c125W
    48. British Venture Capital 61 words
    49. c125W
    50. Health and Safety Inspectors 61 words
    51. c125W
    52. Tyneside Training and Enterprise Council 47 words
    53. c125W
    54. National Training Task Force 90 words
    55. c125W
    56. Wages 44 words
    57. cc125-6W
    58. Co-operative Enterprises 154 words
    59. c126W
    60. Wages Councils 35 words
    61. c126W
    62. Industrial Relations 91 words
    63. c126W
    64. Tourism and Catering 50 words
    65. c126W
    66. "Perspective on the Future for Resorts" 65 words
    67. cc126-8W
    68. Companies (Compact Schemes) 45 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 20 June 1989 Series 5 Vol. 509

  2. INHERITANCE TAX 87 words