§ Lord Bleaseasked Her Majesty's Government:
Whether they will publish a list of the non-official bodies in Northern Ireland, under the headings 126WA listed below, to which grants were made in the last financial year, and the total amounts paid to each body:—
- (i) Northern Ireland Office
- (ii) Department of Finance and Personnel
- (iii) Department of Health and Social Security
- (iv) Department of Education
- (v) Department of Agriculture
- (vi) Department of Economic Development; and
- (vii) Department of the Environment.
§ The Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office (Lord Lyell)The information for the financial year ended 31st March 1984 is as follows:
(1) NORTHERN IRELAND OFFICE £ Belfast Law Centre 68,000 Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 180,268 Extern 300,070 Northern Ireland Intermediate Treatment Association 1,099 Save The Children Fund 145,409
(2) DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND PERSONNEL £ Refreshment Clubs 353,000 Northern Ireland Civil Service Sports Association 34,682 Northern Ireland Civil Service Retirement Fellowship 1,465 Army Benevolent Fund 15,000 Police Benevolent Fund 50,000 Ulster Defence Regiment Benevolent Fund 20,000 Public Service Training Council 265,000 Northern Ireland Economic Development Office 225,000 Incorporated Council of Law Reporting 3,000
(3) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES £ Northern Ireland Council of Social Service 199,990 Community Service Volunteers 8,065 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 39,303 Belfast Voluntary Welfare Society 4,000 Carafriend 4,625 Retirement Association of Northern Ireland 6,890 International Voluntary Service 11,000 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 25,970 Northern Ireland Council for Orthopaedic Development 16,000 National Deaf Children's Society 2,300 Ulster Institute for the Deaf 6,000 Age Concern 68,450 Abbeyfield 2,400 Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults 4,000 Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health 69,252 Northern Ireland Marriage Guidance Council 60,600 Northern Ireland Council on Alcohol 139,461 British Epilepsy Association (Northern Ireland Region) 2,650 Northern Ireland Women's Aid Federation 20,700 Gingerbread 46,500 Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 35,378 Church of Ireland Social and Family Welfare Society 1,060 Blind Centre for Northern Ireland 10,000 Motability 11,376 Multiple Sclerosis Action Group 12,700 Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen's Families Association 650 Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied 8,250 Family Planning Association (Northern Ireland Region) 3,300 Joseph Rowntree Trust (Family Fund) 142,065 Council on Alcohol Related Problems 18,887 Multiple Sclerosis Society (N Ireland Branch) 3,000 Northern Ireland Widows' Association 1,525 National Schizophrenia Fellowship 5,250 Northern Ireland Hospice 100,000
£ Praxis 30,629 Health Education Council 256,040 British Red Cross Society 1,060 St. John Ambulance (NI District) 1,060 Order of Malta Ambulance Corps 1,060 National Health Service Retirement Fellowship Association 530 Crossroads Care Attendance Scheme 5,833 SHARE 7,700 Disabled Drivers Association 1,000 National Rubella Campaign 500 Newcastle Society for Mentally Handicapped 15,000 Arthritis Care 1,000 Omagh Community Development Project 1,500 Newry and Mourne Co-operative Society 7,500 Enterprise Carrickfergus Limited 7,500 Belfast Voluntary Welfare Society 7,000 Springfield Charitable Association 7,000 Aileach Development Society Limited 7,500 Orana Children's Home, Newry 2,085 Glendhu Children's Hostel, Belfast 9,027 Marianville Mother and Baby Home, Belfast 10,125 Johnston Memorial House, Belfast 51,153 Nazareth Lodge, Belfast 11,000 Manor House, Ballycastle 666 Northern Ireland Pre-School Playgroups Association 37,241 National Childminding Association 2,053 Barnardo's Carraigfoyle Paediatric Support Unit 25,508 Extern-West Belfast Auto Project 24,201 Northern Ireland Intermediate Treatment Association 1,098 Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettle-ment of Offenders 3,280 National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations 774 Northern Ireland Foster Care Association 2,391 Save the Children Fund-Minnowburn Youth Farm. 15,237 Parents Advice Centre 2,470 Belfast Voluntary Welfare Society-House Start Scheme 5,037 Community Service Volunteers-Children in Care Scheme 3,580 Down and Connor Catholic Family Welfare Society 48,093 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children 35,393
(4) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION £ Arts Council for Northern Ireland 2,795,600 Linenhall Library 54,000 NI Library and Information Services Council 287 Forum for Community Work Education 23,000 Protestant and Catholic Encounter 9,500 Corrymeela 61,000 Harmony Community Trust 16,500 Irish Council of Churches/Irish Commission for Justice and Peace—Peace Education Programme 3,530 Children's Community Relations Holiday Scheme 88,353 Churches' Central Committee for Community Work 12,555 Citizens' Advice Bureaux Headquarters 88,841 Voluntary Sports Organisations 1,150,460 Glencairn Community Association 666 Ulster People's College 12,780 Methodist College Inter-Schools Project 1,370 All Children Together 100 Association of Teachers of Cultural and Social Studies 185 Sixth-formers Community Relations Projects 104 United Sportsmens Service 200 Youth Clubs and Youth Organisations 1,330,706 Ulster American Folk Park 309,000 NI UNESCO Committee 2,669 Workers' Educational Association 98,500 Educational Guidance Service for Adults 27,992 Retirement Association of NI 1,000 NI Council for Educational Research 171,679 Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research 3,000 British Association for the Advancement of Science 3,184 Central Bureau for Educational Visits and Exchanges 58,481 League for the Exchange of Commonwealth Teachers 6,461 Council for Education in World Citizenship 920 Ulster College of Music 7,410 Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies 1,275
(5) DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE £ Royal Ulster Agricultural Society 45,400 Down Royal Corporation of Horse Breeders 1,927 Young Farmers Clubs of Ulster 28,599 Various Show Societies 1,779 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 125 Seed Potato Promotions Ltd 120,300
(6) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT £ The Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions 72,884 Northern Ireland Industrial Safety Group 2,800 Employment and Training Committee for the Printing and Publishing Industry 10,276 Action for Community Employment (funded 862 projects in private and voluntary sector organisations) 7,930,000 Youth Community Projects (funded 30 projects in private and voluntary sector organisations) 1,148,000 Community Volunteering Scheme (funded 19 volun-tary sector organisations) 331,000 Work Preparation Units 11,274,175 Younghelp 839,063 National Trust 185,797 Incorporated Cripples Institutes and Holiday Homes 45,523 Thomas Doran Training Centre 130,164 Glencraig Village Community 116,904 Marine Grange Village Community 181,992 Royal National Institute for the Blind 16,791 Irish Linen Guild 9,000 Automation Centre (Queen's University, Belfast) 99,000 Wolfson Signal Processing Unit (Queen's University, Belfast) 8,750 The Lambeg Industrial Research Association 132,000 Occupational Respiratory Surveillance Scheme 16,000 Occupational Health Survey (QUB) 10,500 Northern Ireland Consumer Council 40,000
(7) DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT £ Ulster Game and Wildfowl Society 100 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds 9,750 Strangford Lough Wildfowlers' Association 700 Copeland Bird Observatory 1,000 Northern Ireland Bird Records Committee 475 British Trust for Ornithology 2,250 Antrim Ringing Group 140 Grass Roots Conservation Corps 219 Strangford Lough Wildlife Scheme (National Trust) 11,000 Conservation Volunteers 15,691 Ulster Trust for Nature Conservation 4,500 Northern Ireland Council of Social Services 3,382 National Trust 307,978 Ulster Architectural Heritage Society/ACE 10,969 HEARTH 2,600 The Linenhall Library, Belfast 7,000 Road Safety Council (NI) 64,355 RoSPA 36,045 Environmental Improvement Scheme 2,600 Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations 76,500 National Federation of Housing Associations 200 Registered Housing Associations 36,239,616 Unregistered Housing Associations 65,913 Belfast Housing Aid Society 16,190