HC Deb 22 October 1981 vol 10 c181W

Mr. Ernie Ross asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will consider introducing a scheme for the long-term unemployed which would provide all of them with temporary jobs or a place on a training course.

Mr. Alexander Fletcher:

The Community enterprise programme, which was introduced on 1 April 1981, provides temporary employment and, where appropriate, training for long-term unemployed adults on schemes of benefit to the community. In its first year of operation the new programme aims to provide 25,000 places in Great Britain, double the number available under its predecessor, the special temporary employment programme. When resources are limited difficult decisions have to be made on priorities but the programme is making a useful contribution towards alleviating the problems of the long-term unemployed and represents a realistic response in present circumstances.

Decisions on the programme of special employment and training measures for 1982-83, including provision for the long-term unemployed, will be announced later this autumn.