HC Deb 22 October 1981 vol 10 c183W

Mr. Hannam asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what action he proposes to take as a result of his Department's report "The Respective Roles of the General Acute and Geriatric Sectors in Care of the Elderly Hospital Patient".

Mr. Geoffrey Finsberg:

This study will be taken fully into account in the Department's thinking about the future development of hospital services for elderly people. It has been given a wide circulation and every opportunity is being taken to draw attention to its findings in the hope that their implications will be considered closely by all those concerned at national and local level. As a contribution to the debate, the Department will hold a conference next year on the skills of geriatric medicine, with a view to their being disseminated more widely throughout all those parts of the hospital service which are likely to be involved in the care of elderly patients.

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