HL Deb 22 February 1979 vol 398 c2080WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they are aware that, whereas the Inspector at the M.25 (Leatherhead Interchange) Public Inquiry wrote to the Secretary of State saying that there were only 345 local objectors v/ho had requested the Inquiry's adjournment pending route reconsideration and an independent audit of the Department of Transport's traffic prediction data, the real number was 834, and is now approximately 2,000.

Baroness STEDMAN

My right honourable friend the Secretary of Slate for Transport is aware that the number of local residents who requested the adjournment of the Inquiry last May was 834 and not 345 as stated in the Inspector's letter of 5th May. The Inspector apologised for this error when the Inquiry reopened on 26th September.

My right honourable friend also understands that the number of residents holding that view may now be considerably larger.