HL Deb 28 September 1976 vol 374 c387WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What has been the public cost so far, in expenditure and guarantees, of creating the oil platform construction yards at Hunterston and Portavadie, and whether any order has yet been received at either. [23rd September.]


Government expenditure at Portavadie up to the end of August 1976 was £13.93 million, including Government consultancy and administrative costs. At Hunterston, Government has entered into an agreement with the Clydesdale Bank to guarantee advances to Anglo-Dutch Offshore Concrete (ANDOC) for the purposes of constructing works for the building of concrete platforms. Advances by the Clydesdale Bank under the guarantee, together with accrued interest at end August 1976 totalled £3.95 million, while Government consultancy and administrative costs at that date were £03.285 million. No orders have yet been received at either site.