HC Deb 31 July 1974 vol 878 c249W
Mr. Faulds

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what special grant he intends to make to the Victoria and Albert Museum towards the purchase of the two late seventeenth-century silver-gilt flagons which are outstanding examples of the techniques imported by the Huguenots.

Mr. G. V. Cooke County Education Officer, Lincolnshire (Vice Chairman).
Mrs. J. Bisby Senior Careers Officer, Sheffield.
Mr. E. Britton Retiring General Secretary of NUT.
Miss M. Gairley Assistant Head of Kirkriggs School for Physically handicapped and ESN children, Glasgow.
Mr. D. Coe Assistant Director, Middlesex Polytechnic.
Mr. G. H. Dalziel Headmaster, Odsal House School for the Deaf, Bradford
Mr. R. A. Davis Headmaster, Pindar Comprehensive School, Scarborough.
Dr. R. M. Forrester Consultant Paediatrician Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan.
Dr. P. J. Graham Consultant Psychiatrist, Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street.
Mr. D. Guthrie Director, Action Research for the Crippled Child.
Mr. J. Harding Member of Education and Training Committee of Scottish CBI.
Mr. L. Macho Headmaster, Pen-y-bryn ESN(M) School, Swansea.
Mr. J. Michie Director of Education, Aberdeenshire.
Mr. G. T. Newton Director of Social Services, Wiltshire.
Mr. E. J. Richards Assistant Education Officer for Special Education, Clwyd LEA.
Lady Roth Chairman of Governors of Feversham non-maintained special school for maladjusted children, Newcastle.
Mrs. M. E. Thruston Community Nurse Training Officer, Croydon Area Health Authority.
Mrs. S. Tumim Parent.
Dr. M. Tyson Senior Educational Psychologist, and Adviser for Special Education, Hounslow LEA.
Professor P. Williams Professor of Education, Open University.
Mr. M. E. Winnard Secretary, TUC Education Committee.
Mr. D. P. T. Woodgate Headmaster, Priory Meadow School for maladjusted children Clacton.
Mr. P. Young Tutor, Cambridge Institute of Education.
Two more members (one from England and another from Scotland) will be added shortly.

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