84 Mr. Jegerasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will arrange for the issue of the 70 supplementary clothing coupons for expectant mothers who are in B.A.O.R. to a friend or relative in this country on production of medical certificate and authority, so that the necessary shopping may be done in the simplest way.
§ Mr. BelcherArrangements are being made for the Services to issue coupons locally, as from 1st May, to Services expectant mothers. In the meantime, Service wives can obtain their requirements under the Board of Trade's personal ex-154W port scheme, details of which are given in instructions which have been issued through the Services, but I am ready, in urgent cases where special difficulty is being experienced, to arrange for the issue of coupons exceptionally to relatives in this country.
§ 89 Mr. Callaghanasked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware of complaints from B.A.O.R. that women's and children's clothing and haberdashery are unprocurable in N.A.A.F.I. shops; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. BelcherClothing for the wives and children of British troops in Germany is bought by N.A.A.F.I. in the normal course of business, but I understand that owing to the shortage of supplies at home, they are having difficulty in meeting their requirement. Discussions, therefore, are proceeding between the Board of Trade and the clothing trade with a view to ensuring that the essential clothing requirements of British wives and families in Germany are satisfied.