HC Deb 09 April 1946 vol 421 cc303-4W
Captain MacLeod

asked the Ministry of Transport what new sea marks he has sanctioned for the financial year 1946–47 on the advice of the General Lighthouse Authorities.

Mr. Barnes:

The following new sea marks or improvement of existing sea marks have been sanctioned for the financial year 1946–47:

Trinity House

Installation of radio beacons on three light-vessels.

N. E. Varne Sand, English Channel— Substitution of a lighted buoy for the existing unlighted buoy

Wolf Rock Lighthouse—Renewal of the fog signal machinery and the repair of war damage, including the provision of a new lighting apparatus.

Crayfordness, River Thames—Establishment of navigation light on Bofors Gun Tower.

Bideford Leading Lights—Erection of a new tower for the High Light, conversion of the illuminant of the lights to acetylene and making them semi-watched instead of fully-watched.

Bideford Fairway—Substitution of a lighted hell buoy for the unlighted buoy.

Portland Bill Lighthouse—Retention of the fog signal established during the war at Admiralty request.

Haishro Lighthouse (Norfolk)—Retention of electricity as illuminant introduced during the war.

Northfleet Lower Lighthouse, River Thames —Conversion of illuminant from coal gas to dissolved acetylene.

Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses.

Pentland Skerries, Auskerry and Copinsay Lighthouses—Conversion from Island to Rock stations.

Killantringan Lighthouse—Renewal of the tog signal installation and improvement of characteristic

Croulin, Arnish, Ornsay, Greinam, Millmore, Ris an tru, Grey Rocks, Ruadh Rock (West coast of Scotland)—Substitution of dissolved acetylene as illuminant for oil gas.

Cava (Orkney Islands), Carraig Mhor (West coast of Scotland) Cairnbulg (Fraserburgh)— conversion from carbide-to-water to the dissolved acetylene system of lighting.

Stroma, Pentland Firth—Establishment of a radio beacon.

Tiumpan Head (Isle of Lewis)—Establishment of a siren tog signal.

Commissioners of Irish Lights.

Kish Light vessel (Dublin Hay)—Installation of a radio beacon.

Mew Island Lighthouse (Belfast Lough)— Establishment of a radio beacon.

Cromwell Point Lighthouse—Improvement of the light and its conversion to unwatched.

Roche's Point—Renewal of the fog signal engines and substitution of a diaphone for the fog siren.