HC Deb 19 April 1917 vol 92 cc1879-80W

asked the hon. Member for Sheffield (Central Division), whether it has yet been possible to effect an exchange of prisoners with Turkey; if so, whether he can say how many have been exchanged, and when; if he can state when the camps where English prisoners in Turkish hands are interned were last visited; and what reports have been received as to their condition?


No actual exchange of prisoners has yet taken place. A proposal has recently been made to the Turkish Government for the exchange of 600 men on either side, as a preliminary to a wider exchange subsequently. No reply has yet been received, but one is expected momentarily. In regard to the second part of the question, I would refer my hon. and learned Friend to my reply to his question of 14th March. I am glad, however, to take the opportunity of stating that the United States Ambassador at Constantinople has obtained the consent of the Turkish Government to the inspection of certain of the prisoners' camps by representatives of the Embassy.

Major HUNT

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been called to the account of our prisoners in Germany being starved and flogged when too weak to work; and whether he will have the account of their ill-treatment published and distributed among all the Allied and neutral nations?


Various reports of this nature have been received and investigation is being made in certain cases where there isprimâ facie evidence to support the charges. If my hon. and gallant Friend will give me more specific information as to the subject matter of the question, I will have special inquiry made.