HC Deb 19 April 1917 vol 92 cc1878-9W

asked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, if he is aware of the injustice to-panel doctors in munitions areas through the neglect of insured persons moving into them to transfer until they fall ill, whereby local doctors receive no allowance for cases actually living in their area, whose allowances go to pay the- doctors in the areas from which they have come, who cannot treat them, and, therefore, have no responsibility for them; and whether he can arrange that such removals shall be transferred when they take place, either by the insured persons or by their approved society, and that neglect to make such transfer shall be penalised by loss of benefit or in some other way?


The question raised by my hon. Friend is one which has been the subject of discussion with the medical profession, and the Commissioners were not convinced, nor did the profession appear to be agreed amongst themselves, that the existing system worked inequitably as between practitioners in munition areas and those in other parts of the country. I should, however, be pleased to consider any facts or particulars which the hon. Member may bring to my notice as bearing upon the point.