HC Deb 13 November 1911 vol 31 cc160-1W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that a labourer named Mathew Ryan, of Newtownshandrum, in the Kanturk rural district, lodged a representation in 1907 for the erection of a cottage on the lands of David M'Auliffe, that Mathew Ryan attended the local inquiry, and that his representation was passed by the Local Government Board and embodied in the scheme; whether he is aware that the farmer lodged a petition against the cottage, and that the Recorder of Cork allowed a change of site, and that subsequently the Kanturk rural council appointed another labourer as tenant of the cottage, though Mathew Ryan's existing house had been condemned as unfit for habitation, and the labourer who was selected as tenant lodged no representation, and did not appear before the local inquiry; whether he is aware that Mathew Ryan is a labourer with a large family; and will he say what action he proposes to take in the matter?


The facts generally are as stated, but the Recorder of Cork, in addition to granting a change of site, inserted in the confirming order a condition as to the selection of the tenant. The legality of such a condition in the judge's order, even if the rural district council agreed to it, has since been raised on behalf of Ryan, the original applicant for the cottage, on the ground that it conflicts with Section 29 (2) of the Labourers Act of 1906, and the matter is at presentsub judice. The Local Government Board have no jurisdiction in the matter.