HC Deb 10 February 1911 vol 21 c661W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that some county councils in Ireland have declined to strike a rate for university scholarships until the University Act is amended so that scholarships can be acquired by the pupils of national schools; and whether, as the children of the poorer ratepayers have as good a claim to the scholarships as the children of fairly well-to-do people, he proposes to have the Act amended in the direction indicated?


Certain county councils have adopted the attitude mentioned in the Question. The Irish Universities Act authorises county councils to provide scholarships for students at any University in Ireland. The question of providing scholarships to enable clever boys at primary schools to continue their education with a view to proceeding to the University is quite a different one, and has nothing to do with the Universities Act, which does not, therefore, require amendment in the direction indicated.