HC Deb 10 February 1911 vol 21 cc661-2W

asked the Home Secretary (1) whether any record has been kept of the number of aliens who, though otherwise liable to rejection, have been admitted to this country at immigration ports on the ground that they were political refugees; and (2) whether, in the case of immigrants exempted from exclusion from this country on the ground that they were political refugee's, any record has been kept of the particulars given concerning themselves by such immigrants to the immigration officers or boards?


The Aliens Act provides that "in the case of an immigrant who proves that he is seeking admission to this country solely to avoid prosecution or punishment on religious or political grounds, or for an offence of a political character, or persecution, involving danger of imprisonment or danger to life or limb, on account of religious belief, leave to land shall not be refused on the ground merely of want of means or the probability of his becoming a charge upon the rates." The Returns show that 505 immigrants were given leave to land in 1906 under this provision, forty-three in 1907, twenty in 1908, thirty in 1909, and five in 1910. I have no record of any further particulars of the cases.