HC Deb 04 November 1909 vol 12 cc2150-1W

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he can state the reason for the regulation which, in a portion of Regent's Park, prohibits the presence of dogs otherwise than attached to a lead, and how long the regulation has been in force; and whether he is aware that it has the effect of preventing owners from making use of the park accompanied by their dogs unless carrying leads for them, although the regulation extends only to the area called the Broad Walk?


The regulation as to dogs in the Broad Walk of Regent's Park was made in response to widely signed memorials from residents in the neighbourhood. The object of it was the protection and preservation of the semi-tame squirrels which have become so charming a feature in this park. I feel convinced that the owners of dogs would not grudge the slight inconvenience to which they may be put in order to contribute to the pleasure of those who are too poor to possess pets of their own, but are able to enjoy those which they now find in the Park.