HC Deb 01 March 1909 vol 1 c1233W

asked whether employees of the Army Ordnance Department at Island Bridge, Dublin, work 10¼ hours each year in excess of the 48-hour week under the system of graduated hours that obtain at Island Bridge; why a half-holiday was not granted on the 24th December last in lieu of the half-holiday the workmen were deprived of by St. Stephen's Day falling on the Saturday, 26th December, 1908; and whether, under the circumstances now brought to his notice, the Secretary of State will grant a holiday on St. Patrick's Day in future?


As regards the first part of the question the local time table seems to have been brought very close to the 48 hours' average, but I will consider whether it can be brought still closer. As regards the second part of the question the regulations do not give a half-holiday under these conditions at Odnance stations generally. As regards the last part of the question I have nothing to add to the Reply which I gave the hon. Member in reply to a similar question put on 20th May last.