HC Deb 01 December 1909 vol 13 c515W

asked the Chancellor of of the Exchequer whether the words "tenancy from year to year," used in Subsection (1) of Section 61 of the Finance Bill, preserving, as regards such tenancies, the limitation of value for Death Duties to 25 times the annual value, had ever received judicial construction as including judicial tenancies under the Irish Land Acts; and whether the annual value, subject to rent, etc., of Irish farms, in cases where the said limitation is still to be continued, and also as regards the assessment of Income Tax on occupiers, will, if the Finance Bill becomes law, continue to be based on the Poor Law valuation as heretofore, or whether, on the completion of the projected new valuation, some annual value based thereon would be substituted for the Poor Law valuation?


According to the information at my disposal, the answer to the first part of the question would appear to be in the negative. As regards the second part, I may point out that the annual value referred to is, in accordance with the proviso to Section 7 (5) of the Finance Act. 1894, the annual value as assessed under Schedule A of the Income Tax Acts. The Finance Bill does not provide for any alteration in the basis of assessment under Schedule A.