HC Deb 13 August 1909 vol 9 c940W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury if his attention has been called to the fact that at the present time there are only five surveyors and not a single valuer engaged in the work of revaluing Dublin city; if he will take the necessary steps to have the staff of surveyors and valuers increased to expedite the work in order that all ratepayers in Dublin may bear their proper share, of municipal taxation; and if he will bring pressure to bear on the Commissioner of Valuation with a view to having the re-valuation completed within a year, having regard to the fact that nine years have elapsed since the Dublin Corporation Act was passed?


I am informed that at the moment five surveyors and no valuers are employed on this work. The senior valuers of the Valuation Department were, however, engaged on this work up till two months ago, and will be returning to it again in a short time, as soon as the annual revision, on which they are at the moment engaged, is completed. It is net thought desirable to engage temporary persons for the work, because it can be completed both more efficiently and with greater speed by the senior valuers.