HC Deb 13 August 1909 vol 9 cc940-1W

asked the Postmaster-General whether it is intended to retain Mass Mary Frances M'Namee, employed at the Savings Bank Chief Office, Blythe-road, Kensington; and, if not, will he state for what reason, and has she been given any reason why she should be dismissed; and could he see his way to retain her in some other department of the Post Office service?


The service of Miss Mary Frances M'Namee in the post office terminated on the 31st ultimo. After full trial on the duties of a woman clerk during the usual period of probation, she was not found to be efficient. She was fully informed in writing of the grounds on which it was considered that her appointment could not be confirmed, and a trial as female sorter was offered to her as an alternative to leaving the Service; but she declined it.