HC Deb 04 August 1909 vol 8 cc1963-4W

asked whether, seeing that the Small Arms Employés and the Royal Gunpowder Factory Unions of Enfield and Waltham respectively brought before him by deputation in November last the question of affording financial assistance to the Middlesex County Council to provide increased facilities for technical education for the workmen of the Small Arms and Gunpowder Factories, he will say whether the inquiries he undertook to make have been completed; whether the Government have seen their way clear to give any financial assistance to the Middlesex County Council; and, if so, what increased facilities will now be provided?


The War Office will make a contribution of £500 to the local education authority towards the cost of building and equipping a new technical institute at Ponder's End. The payment will be made on the completion of the institute to the satisfaction of the Army Council, and will be in addition to the annual contribution already made towards the expense of the existing institute. This was notified to the Divisional Secretary, Middlesex County Education Committee, Enfield, on 21st June.