HC Deb 01 April 1909 vol 3 cc618-9W

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether the new buildings occupied by the Education Office and the Local Government Board were designed for heating by means of open fires; whether, after the flues had been constructed, the Office of Works decided to have for most of the rooms a system of steam-heating; whether this was objected to by the Board of Education and the Local Government Board; whether it was condemned by the medical department of the Local Government Board on the ground that the ventilation would be bad; whether an expert was called in to report on the matter after the steam-heating had been installed in some of the rooms; whether he condemned the system on the ground of defective ventilation or on any ether ground; whether, notwithstanding this, the Office of Works retained the system; whether, since the rooms have been occupied, many of the officers have been ill in consequence; and, if so, what is proposed to be done in the matter?


The buildings referred to in the question were originally designed for heating by means of open fires; but, before they were completed, it was decided that a system of steam-heating should be employed. Objections were raised, but expert medical opinion was divided on this point. The system has been retained, and no complaint has reached me of an unusual amount of sickness in the office.