Mrs Jill Knight

July 9, 1923 -
Summary information for Mrs Jill Knight



Seat Belts Commons January 13, 1986

2 speeches — Engagements Commons January 23, 1986

Maternity Wards (Salesmen) Written Answers January 28, 1986

British Leyland Commons February 3, 1986

Under-age Girls (Contraception) Commons February 12, 1986

C Awards Written Answers February 20, 1986

Shops Bill [Lords] Commons April 14, 1986

2 speeches — National Health Service (Amendment) Bill Commons April 15, 1986


Health Authorities (Payment Limits) Written Answers May 19, 1986

Cancer Research Action Programme Written Answers May 21, 1986

Cancer Written Answers May 22, 1986

7 speeches — LIFTING OF ALL CROWN IMMUNITY Commons June 9, 1986

Invalid Care Allowance Written Answers July 9, 1986

4 speeches — Poverty (Elderly Persons) Commons July 16, 1986

3 speeches — Social Security Bill (Allocation of Time) Commons July 23, 1986

15 speeches — AMOUNT ETC. Commons July 23, 1986

Airports Act 1986 Written Answers July 24, 1986

Deacons (Ordination of Women) Measure Commons October 28, 1986

Labour Statistics Commons November 18, 1986

Fast Food Written Answers November 20, 1986

Parliamentary Questions Written Answers November 24, 1986

AIDS Commons November 25, 1986

Beef Written Answers December 2, 1986

Supplementary Benefit (Mortgage Interest) Commons December 10, 1986

Amyl Nitrite Written Answers December 18, 1986

Amyl Nitrite Written Answers December 19, 1986

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.