Mr Michael Brougham

August 2, 1938 -
Summary information for Mr Michael Brougham



EC Habitats Directive: Further SAC Proposals Written Answers January 9, 1996

European Legislation Written Answers January 10, 1996

Fisheries Council, 21 and 22 December 1995 Written Answers January 10, 1996

Agriculture Council, 18 and 19 December 1995 Written Answers January 10, 1996

Marriage: Working Party Written Answers January 11, 1996

Community Care (Direct Payments) Bill [H.L.] Lords January 15, 1996

Terrorism: Review of Legislation Written Answers January 16, 1996

Leasehold Flats: Measures to Strengthen Owners' Rights Written Answers January 22, 1996

Drivers' Eyesight Tests Lords January 23, 1996

Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England: Review Written Answers January 23, 1996

Official Report of the Committee on the Reserve Forces Bill [H.L.] Grand Committee Report January 25, 1996

Oil Dispersant Policy: Review Written Answers January 29, 1996

Farm Incomes Written Answers February 1, 1996

Data Protection Registrar: Study Report Written Answers February 7, 1996

Broadcasting Bill [H.L.] Lords February 13, 1996

Immigration Service: Removal of Illegal Entrants Written Answers February 13, 1996

EU and EC Treaties: Command Paper Written Answers February 13, 1996

Army Careers Information Offices Written Answers February 20, 1996

Environmental Statistics: Publication Policy Written Answers February 20, 1996

Electronic Monitoring Written Answers February 20, 1996

Armed Forces Review: Report Written Answers February 22, 1996

Gambling: Consultation Paper Written Answers February 27, 1996

Pet Animals: European Convention Written Answers February 27, 1996

Bus Drivers: Recruitment Lords February 28, 1996

Agriculture Council, 26th February Written Answers February 29, 1996

Arable Area Payments Written Answers February 29, 1996

Multi-media and Information Technology Written Answers February 29, 1996

Foreign Affairs Council, 26th and 27th February Written Answers March 4, 1996

Armed Services: House Purchase Assistance Scheme Written Answers March 4, 1996

Tributes to the late Lady Faithfull Lords March 13, 1996

Gibraltar: Pensions Written Answers March 25, 1996

Defamation Bill [H.L.] Lords April 2, 1996

Official Report of the Committee on the Education (Scotland) Bill [H.L.] Grand Committee Report April 23, 1996

Beef Producers and Slaughterers: Support Measures Written Answers April 24, 1996

Pesticides Safety Directorate: Targets Written Answers April 24, 1996

Fisheries Council, 22nd April Written Answers April 25, 1996

Asylum and Immigration Bill Lords April 30, 1996

Water Supplies Written Answers May 1, 1996

UN Register of Conventional Arms Written Answers May 2, 1996

EU Council: Forthcoming Business Written Answers May 2, 1996

Environment Agency: Ministerial Guidance Written Answers June 19, 1996

Criminal Justice: Response to Royal Commission Report Written Answers June 27, 1996

Second Severn Crossing: M.5 Interchange Written Answers July 1, 1996

Prisoners Detained During Her Majesty's Pleasure Written Answers July 23, 1996

Special Constabulary: Working Group Report Written Answers July 24, 1996

3 speeches — Channel Tunnel Rail Link Bill Lords October 31, 1996

Married Quarters Estate: Sale Written Answers November 6, 1996

Housing Act 1996: Parts VI and VII Commencement Written Answers November 14, 1996

Anglo-American Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Written Answers December 3, 1996

Fishery Offences: Prosecutions Written Answers December 17, 1996

Intervention Board Executive Agency: Corporate Plan Written Answers December 18, 1996

Rendering Industry: Support Arrangements Written Answers December 18, 1996

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.