HL Deb 02 May 1996 vol 571 cc157-61WA
Lord Brougham and Vaux

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the forthcoming business in the Council of the European Union.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

Subject monthly forecast of business for May 1996.

1. The following Councils are scheduled:

  • 3rd May: Special Planning and Regional Development (Informal)
  • 4th May: Special Planning and Regional Development (Informal)
  • 5th May: Agriculture (Informal)
  • 6th May: Agriculture (Informal)
  • 6th May: Education
  • 7th May: Agriculture (Informal)
  • 7th May: Energy
  • 13th May: Foreign Affairs Council
  • 14th May: Foreign Affairs Council
  • 14th May: Health
  • 20th May: Industry
  • 20th May: Agriculture
  • 21st May: Agriculture
  • WA 158
  • 23rd May: Civil Protection
  • 28th May: Development
  • 28th May: Internal Market
  • 29th May: Telecommunications

2. The following subjects are likely to be discussed:

3rd/4th May: Special Planning and Regional Development Council (Informal)

Agenda not yet available.

5th/7th May: Agriculture Council (Informal)

Agenda not yet available.

6th May: Education Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat.

"B" Points

  • Open debate on White Paper on Education and Training
  • Draft resolution on Multimedia Software
  • Draft conclusions on synergies between Academic Recognition and Professional Recognition of Qualifications
  • Commission note on the assessment of the quality of higher education
  • Commission note on the assessment of the quality of school education
  • Commission information on:
  • European year of Lifelong Learning;
  • Cooperation with third countries;
  • Progress on Green Paper on Obstacles to Mobility; Key education figures (1996 edition)
  • Communication from Greece on setting up a European Centre for Classical Literature

7th May: Energy Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat.

"B" Points

  • Electricity liberalisation: common position (possible item)
  • Euro-Mediterranean energy cooperation: Council conclusions
  • Commission's Energy Policy White Paper: Council resolution
  • Commission communication on gas supply: Council conclusions
  • SAVE II energy efficiency programme: political agreement (possible item)
  • SYNERGY programme for energy cooperation with third countries: debate
  • Integrated Resource Planning Directive: debate
  • Energy Charter Treaty: programme report
  • Commission report on civil protection, tourism and energy;
  • Commission presentation
  • Commission report on oil supply: Commission presentation

13th/14th May: Foreign Affairs Council

Agenda not yet available.

14th May: Health Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat.

"B" Points

Adoption of the draft agenda

Proposal for a decision adopting a programme of Community action on health monitoring within the framework for action in the field of public health; adoption of a common position

Proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the council creating a network for the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases in the European Community: orientation debate

Creation of an EU/US (EU/United States) action group charged with developing a global early warning system and response network for communicable diseases: information on work to date

Proposal for a decision of the EP and the Council adopting a Community programmme of Community action on the prevention of drug dependence with the framework for action in the field of public health: second reading, in preparation for conciliation with EP

Amended proposal for a Council directive on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the advertising of tobacco products: orientation debate

BSE and the potential risks for transmission to man: information from the commission and exchange of views

20th May: Industry Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat

"B" Points

SMEs: draft Council Decision for new multi-annual programme for SMEs: orientation debate

Industrial cooperation with third countries, and the Mediterranean Basin in particular: draft Council resolution

Automobile industry: Commission report on follow-up on Council Resolution of 22nd April 1994

Competition policy: 25th Annual Commission Report on Competition Policy


  • State Aids—Commission monitoring report
  • Extension of Steel State Aid Code: presentation and exchange of views
  • Commission document on expiry of ECSC Treaty in 2002: exchange of views
  • Draft Council regulation on state aid for shipbuilding: exchange of views

20th/21st May: Agriculture Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat

"B" Points

  • Reform of the fruit and vegetable regime
  • Price fixing
  • Bananas (possible item)
  • Wine reform (possible item)
  • Olive oil reform (possible item)
  • Tobacco reform (possible item)
  • Plant health: solidarity and responsibility (possible item)
  • Veterinary and fish fees (possible item)
  • BSE

23rd May: Civil Protection Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat

"B" Points

  • Community action programme on civil protection
  • Resolution on civil protection research
  • Resolution on cooperation with the CEEs on civil protection

28th May: Internal Market Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat

"B" Points

  • Sweeteners: common position
  • Traditional foodstuffs: common position
  • Miscellaneous additives: common position
  • Foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses (PARNUTS): common position (possible item)
  • Food irradiation: orientation debate

28th May: Development Council

1. Links between emergency aid, rehabilitation and reconstruction

Debate on priorities for immediate action

2. Conflict prevention

Presentation by the Commission

3. Operational Coordination

Council conclusions

4. Council conclusions on:

Environmental Impact Evaluation

Decentralised Cooperation

Migration and Development

Counterpart funds

5. (poss.) Proposals for legal bases for EC development cooperation [i.e., draft EC Regulations governing EC aid].

6. AOB:

Cocoa (requested by Belgium)

UN Reform (requested by Sweden)

29th May: Telecommunications Council

"A" Points

As advised by Council Secretariat

"B" Points

Directive on a common framework for general authorisations and individual licences in the field of telecommunications services: common position

Directive on common rules for the development of Community postal services and the improvement of the quality of service: common position

Directive on the processing of personal data and protection of personal privacy in the telecommunications sector in particular ISDN and in digital mobile networks: common position

Decision on the adoption of a multi-annual programme to promote the linguistic diversity of the Community in the information society: common position (possible item)

Commission communication on universal service for telecommunications in the perspective of a fully liberalised environment

Political debate